배경 : 스프링배치 9주차 과제 를 수행하기 위한 정리를 진행함.
참고 : 9주차 교재
(아래 글은 한국 스프링 사용자 모임(KSUG)에서 진행된 스프링 배치 스터디 내용을 정리한 게시글입니다.
DEVOCEAN에 연재 중인 KIDO님의 글을 참고하여 실습한 내용을 기록했습니다.)
특이 케이스나, 비즈니스 로직에 맞는 배치를 위해 사용하는 CustomItemReader / CustomItemWriter 에 대해 알아보자.
금주 샘플 예제
- QuerydslPagingItemReader : Querydsl을 이용 -> Paging 하여 데이터베이스 값 읽는
- CustomItemWriter : 타 서비스 호출
참고 github 예제 링크 (프로젝트 구조를 맞추어 진행)
AbstractPagingItemReader 를 이용 -> Querydsl을 활용한 ItemReader 사용 가능
Querydsl : SQL과 유사한 쿼리를 자바 코드로 작성할 수 있게 해주는 프레임워크
- JPA 엔티티 추상화 : JPA 엔티티에 의존하지 않고, 추상화된 쿼리를 통해, 코드 유지 관리성 높힘.
QuerydslPagingItemReader 생성
위 파일 개발 전, Querydsl 및 JPA, Q클래스 사용하기 위한 환경 설정 필요
// https://g-db.tistory.com/entry/Spring-Boot-Spring-Boot%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-JPA-QueryDSL-%EC%A0%81%EC%9A%A9-%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95#Gradle%EC%97%90%20QueryDSL%20%EC%9D%98%EC%A1%B4%EC%84%B1%20%EC%B6%94%EA%B0%80-1
// helped by sajacaros
// Querydsl 빌드 옵션 설정
def generated = 'src/main/generated'
// querydsl QClass 파일 생성 위치를 지정
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
// java source set 에 querydsl QClass 위치 추가
sourceSets {
main.java.srcDirs += [ generated ]
// gradle clean 시에 QClass 디렉토리 삭제
clean {
delete file(generated)
JPA 사용하기 위한 설정 셋팅 (Entity 등 추가)
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.models;
import jakarta.persistence.*;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
@Table(name = "customer")
public class Customer {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String name;
private int age;
private String gender;
private String grade; //준수님 DB 깔 맞추기위해 추가
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.jpa.reader;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQuery;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQueryFactory;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import org.springframework.batch.item.database.AbstractPagingItemReader;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class QuerydslPagingItemReader<T> extends AbstractPagingItemReader<T> {
//어떤 순서로 개발해야하는지 음 ㅠㅠ 쉽지않네유
//AbstractPagingItemReader -> 어댑터 패턴 (호환되지 않는 인터페이스를 가진 객체들이 함께 작동할 수 있도록 해주는 구조적 패턴)
//4 (EntityManager 사용을 위한 data jpa 의존성 주입)
private EntityManager em;
private final Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> querySupplier;
private final Boolean alwaysReadFromZero;
public QuerydslPagingItemReader(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory, Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> querySupplier, int chunkSize) {
this(ClassUtils.getShortName(QuerydslPagingItemReader.class), entityManagerFactory, querySupplier, chunkSize, false);
public QuerydslPagingItemReader(String name, EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory, Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> querySupplier, int chunkSize, Boolean alwaysReadFromZero) {
super.setPageSize(chunkSize); //페이징 처리 위한 페이지 크기
setName(name); //itemReader 구분 위한 이름
this.querySupplier = querySupplier;
this.em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
this.alwaysReadFromZero = alwaysReadFromZero; //0부터 페이징 읽을지 여부 지정
protected void doClose() throws Exception {
if(em != null) {
protected void doReadPage() {
//3 (사용 위한 querydsl 의존성 주입 필요)
JPAQueryFactory jpaQueryFactory = new JPAQueryFactory(em);
long offset = 0;
if (alwaysReadFromZero) {
offset = (long) getPage() * getPageSize();
JPAQuery<T> query = querySupplier.apply(jpaQueryFactory).offset(offset).limit(getPageSize());
List<T> queryResult = query.fetch();
for (T entity: queryResult) {
private void initQueryResult() {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(results)) {
results = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
} else {
AbstractPagingItemReader 는 어댑터 패턴
[참고] 어댑터 패턴이란?
어댑터 패턴은 호환되지 않는 인터페이스를 가진 객체들이 협업할 수 있도록 하는 구조적 디자인 패턴입니다. 이 패턴은 기존 클래스의 인터페이스를 클라이언트가 기대하는 다른 인터페이스로 변환하여, 코드 수정 없이 기존 클래스를 재사용할 수 있게 합니다.
QuerydslPagingTiemReaderBuilder.java - 생성자가 복잡해서 빌더를 생성했다고 함.. (음 ㅠㅠ)
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.jpa.reader;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQuery;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQueryFactory;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> {
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
private Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> querySupplier;
private int chunkSize = 10;
private String name;
private Boolean alwaysReadFromZero;
public QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> entityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
this.entityManagerFactory = entityManagerFactory;
return this;
public QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> querySupplier(Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> querySupplier) {
this.querySupplier = querySupplier;
return this;
public QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> chunkSize(int chunkSize) {
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
return this;
public QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> name(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<T> alwaysReadFromZero(Boolean alwaysReadFromZero) {
this.alwaysReadFromZero = alwaysReadFromZero;
return this;
public QuerydslPagingItemReader<T> build() {
if (name == null) {
this.name = ClassUtils.getShortName(QuerydslPagingItemReader.class);
if (this.entityManagerFactory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntityManagerFactory can not be null.!");
if (this.querySupplier == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<T>> can not be null.!");
if (this.alwaysReadFromZero == null) {
alwaysReadFromZero = false;
return new QuerydslPagingItemReader<>(this.name, entityManagerFactory, querySupplier, chunkSize, alwaysReadFromZero);
QueryDSLPagingReaderJobConfig.java - 실행 위한
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.jpa;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.jpa.reader.QuerydslPagingItemReader;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.jpa.reader.QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.models.Customer;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.models.QCustomer;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.mybatis.CustomerItemProcessor;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Job;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Step;
import org.springframework.batch.core.job.builder.JobBuilder;
import org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.RunIdIncrementer;
import org.springframework.batch.core.repository.JobRepository;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.builder.StepBuilder;
import org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter;
import org.springframework.batch.item.file.builder.FlatFileItemWriterBuilder;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource;
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
public class QueryDSLPagingReaderJobConfig {
* CHUNK 크기를 지정한다.
public static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 2;
public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";
DataSource dataSource;
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
// @Bean
// public QuerydslPagingItemReader<Customer> customerQuerydslPagingItemReader() throws Exception {
// Function<JPAQueryFactory, JPAQuery<Customer>> query = jpaQueryFactory -> jpaQueryFactory.select(QCustomer.customer).from(QCustomer.customer);
// return new QuerydslPagingItemReader<>("customerQuerydslPagingItemReader", entityManagerFactory, query, CHUNK_SIZE, false);
// }
public QuerydslPagingItemReader<Customer> customerQuerydslPagingItemReader() {
return new QuerydslPagingItemReaderBuilder<Customer>()
.querySupplier(jpaQueryFactory -> jpaQueryFactory.select(QCustomer.customer).from(QCustomer.customer).where(QCustomer.customer.age.gt(20)))
public FlatFileItemWriter<Customer> customerQuerydslFlatFileItemWriter() {
return new FlatFileItemWriterBuilder<Customer>()
.resource(new FileSystemResource("./output/customer_new_v2.csv"))
.names("Name", "Age", "Gender")
public Step customerQuerydslPagingStep(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) throws Exception {
log.info("------------------ Init customerQuerydslPagingStep -----------------");
return new StepBuilder("customerJpaPagingStep", jobRepository)
.<Customer, Customer>chunk(CHUNK_SIZE, transactionManager)
.processor(new CustomerItemProcessor())
//step의 경우
public Job customerJpaPagingJob(Step customerJdbcPagingStep, JobRepository jobRepository) {
log.info("------------------ Init customerJpaPagingJob -----------------");
return new JobBuilder(QUERYDSL_PAGING_CHUNK_JOB, jobRepository)
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
실행 결과 - 이게 맞나요? ㅠㅠ
기본 ItemWriter 클래스로 제공되지 않는 특정 기능 구현시 사용
구성 요소
- ItemWriter 인터페이스 인 write() 메소드 구현 --> 해당 메소드 내 데이터 처리 로직 구현
- 필요한 라이브러리 및 객체 선언하여 구현 가능
- 기본 ItemWriter 클래스로 제공되지 않는 특정 기능 구현 가능 (유연성)
- 다양한 방식으로 데이터 처리 확장 가능 (확장성)
- 데이터 처리 과정을 완벽하게 제어 가능 (제어 가능성)
- 기본 ItemWriter 클래스보다 개발 과정 복잡 (개발 복잡성)
- 테스트 작성이 어렵다
- 문제 발생시 디버깅이 어려울 수 있다.
커스텀 Writer 예제로 개념 이해하는 방식으로 진행
(데보션 블로그 소스만으로는 이해가 어려워 ㅠㅠ)
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.mybatis;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.models.Customer;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.Map;
public class CustomService {
public Map<String, String> processToOtherService(Customer item) {
log.info("Call API to OtherService....");
return Map.of("code", "200", "message", "OK");
package com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.mybatis;
import com.ksko.spring_batch.batch_sample.jobs.models.Customer;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.batch.item.Chunk;
import org.springframework.batch.item.ItemWriter;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class CustomItemWriter implements ItemWriter<Customer> {
private final CustomService customService;
public CustomItemWriter(CustomService customService) {
this.customService = customService;
public void write(Chunk<? extends Customer> chunk) throws Exception {
for (Customer customer : chunk) {
log.info("Call Porcess in CustomItemWriter...");
기존 구현된 부분에서 위 writer 실행하기 위해 기존 구현된 mybatis writer 활용
2024-12-16T16:42:15.435+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean : Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2024-12-16T16:42:15.445+09:00 WARN 39012 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'entityManagerFactory' of type [org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying). Is this bean getting eagerly injected into a currently created BeanPostProcessor [jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor]? Check the corresponding BeanPostProcessor declaration and its dependencies.
2024-12-16T16:42:15.446+09:00 WARN 39012 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'entityManagerFactory' of type [jdk.proxy2.$Proxy91] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying). Is this bean getting eagerly injected into a currently created BeanPostProcessor [jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor]? Check the corresponding BeanPostProcessor declaration and its dependencies.
2024-12-16T16:42:15.451+09:00 WARN 39012 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'transactionManager' of type [org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying). Is this bean getting eagerly injected into a currently created BeanPostProcessor [jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor]? Check the corresponding BeanPostProcessor declaration and its dependencies.
2024-12-16T16:42:15.469+09:00 WARN 39012 --- [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.batch.BatchAutoConfiguration$SpringBootBatchConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.batch.BatchAutoConfiguration$SpringBootBatchConfiguration] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying). The currently created BeanPostProcessor [jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor] is declared through a non-static factory method on that class; consider declaring it as static instead.
2024-12-16T16:42:15.742+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.j.m.MybatisItemWriterJobConfig : ------------------ Init flatFileStep -----------------
2024-12-16T16:42:15.789+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.j.m.MybatisItemWriterJobConfig : ------------------ Init flatFileJob -----------------
2024-12-16T16:42:15.977+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.BatchSampleApplication : Started BatchSampleApplication in 3.837 seconds (process running for 4.528)
2024-12-16T16:42:15.980+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] o.s.b.a.b.JobLauncherApplicationRunner : Running default command line with: []
2024-12-16T16:42:16.264+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher : Job: [SimpleJob: [name=MY_BATIS_ITEM_WRITER]] launched with the following parameters: [{'run.id':'{value=1, type=class java.lang.Long, identifying=true}'}]
2024-12-16T16:42:16.456+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] o.s.batch.core.job.SimpleStepHandler : Executing step: [flatFileStep]
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomItemWriter : Call Porcess in CustomItemWriter...
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomService : Call API to OtherService....
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomItemWriter : Call Porcess in CustomItemWriter...
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomService : Call API to OtherService....
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomItemWriter : Call Porcess in CustomItemWriter...
2024-12-16T16:42:16.544+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] c.k.s.b.jobs.mybatis.CustomService : Call API to OtherService....
2024-12-16T16:42:16.599+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] o.s.batch.core.step.AbstractStep : Step: [flatFileStep] executed in 142ms
2024-12-16T16:42:16.705+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ main] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher : Job: [SimpleJob: [name=MY_BATIS_ITEM_WRITER]] completed with the following parameters: [{'run.id':'{value=1, type=class java.lang.Long, identifying=true}'}] and the following status: [COMPLETED] in 390ms
2024-12-16T16:42:16.710+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ionShutdownHook] j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean : Closing JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2024-12-16T16:42:16.711+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated...
2024-12-16T16:42:18.523+09:00 INFO 39012 --- [ionShutdownHook] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed.
실행은 된거 같은데 ㅠㅠ
나중에 다시 봐야겠다 ㅠㅠ
우선 9주차 늦게나마 끝 ㅠㅠ